Analysis of the relationship between the truth of “Tawalli” and “Tabarri” with the conceptual model of happiness in the thought of Khwaja Nasiruddin Tusi

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Malayer University, Malayer, Iran


“Tawalli” and “Tabarri” Despite the attention and focus given to jurisprudence and theology, less attention has been paid to ethics. In the original sense,“Tawalli” and “Tabarri”meant loving the good and hating the bad respectively.However, in Khwaja Nasir al-Din Tusi’s ethical and mystical thought, they have taken on a new, creative, real, and spiritual meaning that is a psychological state of turning towards and loving God Almighty and seeking to avoid anything other than Him.And from this perspective,the introduction of self-purification and moral training as a criterion and basis for happiness and the formation of itsconceptual model has been established;in thisarticle,we have analyzed his views on the relationship betwee the truthof Tawalli and Tabarri and the conceptual modelof happiness using a descriptive-analytical method and reached these results:” .a) Tawalli and Tabarri, as a sign of religiosity, is a position that can be achieved by controlling animalistic desires (i.e., lust and anger)under the supervision of reason as an inner divine argument. b)Tawalli and Tabarri are a combination of three cognitive, dispositional, and ability elements.c)The truth of Tawalli and Tabarri is the melting and immersion of Tabarri in Tawalli, and the pursuit of Tawalli is purely for the purpose of achieving the position of satisfaction and submission. d) With the help of the tools of achieving Tawalli and Tabarri, namely knowledge,love, migration, and jihad, one can achieve happiness, which means the birth and growth of all moral virtues and mystical positions such as satisfaction, submission,faith, certainty, and ultimately reaching the position of unity(annihilation)


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