Guide for Authors

The two quarterly journals of revelatory ethics welcome articles that have been researched and written with a new perspective in the field of Islamic ethics and philosophy of ethics. In the submitted articles, it is necessary to observe the following structural principles and writing points: 1. Articles should not have been previously published or submitted for publication. 2. The volume of articles should not be less than 3000 words and more than 6500 words. 3. In-text citation method: أ. Reference to the book: (Author's surname, year of publication: Volume / Page) Example (Javadi Amoli, 2013: 1/222) B. Reference to article: (Author surname, year of publication: page) Example (Javadi Amoli, 2013: 10) J. Refer to the site: (Author surname, year of publication) Example: (Javadi Amoli, 2013) د. Reference to comment: In the text (author's last name, year of publication, comment / page) Example: (Mulla Sadra, 1490, comment / 160) 4. Methods and specifications of books and articles in the list of sources: أ. Book: surname, name of the author (year of publication of the book), title of the book, translator and researcher in case of translation or research, name of the publisher, place of publication. B. Article: Surname, name of the author (year of publication of the article or publication), "title of the article", translator, name of the publication, period of publication, publication number, pages. J. Site: Last name, first name, site name or personal website, [access (this word must be mentioned) on the day of the month of the year (for example, August 12, 2016 must be the same year of publication)]. URL> (left China) د. Comment (surname, name, (year of publication), title of the work, name of the commentator / translator and researcher in case of translation or research, name of the publisher, place of publication. Tip 1; If more than one work has been referenced from an author in a year, they should be identified and separated by the letters A: Tip 2; About "RK": If the content of the sources is used to prepare the article, "RK" should be removed from the citation in the text. However, if the author has used it only to acquaint and inform the reader and the content of its sources does not appear in the text, the complete bibliographic information should be in the footnote (footnote) and should be removed from the final sources of the article. 5. Explanatory footnotes and Latin equivalents of specific terms should be listed at the bottom of the page with independent numbering. 6. Use authentic software to mention the text of verses of the Holy Quran and narrations. 7. Articles taken from dissertations should be accompanied by the name and approval of the supervisor. 8. The publication of articles is subject to the observance of the above points and the approval of the editorial board and judges of the publication. 9. The journal is free to edit submitted articles. 10. The approximate time for reviewing and evaluating the article is estimated at four to five months. 11. Evaluation and scoring of articles is based on the following components, so it is obvious that the author, before sending the article, carefully adjust your writing on each of these components: 1. Content; Importance, originality, depth and having innovative, creative, path-breaking and reasoned ideas (maximum score 14) 2. Benefit; Scientific value and practical and fundamental capability to meet current or future needs, solve or reduce problems, or expand the frontier of knowledge, and enrich it (maximum score 12) 3. Complementarity; Being in the direction of advancing and completing previous researches and creating grounds and problem-solving for future researches in the desired subject (maximum score 10) 4. Methodology; Observance of the principles of scientific research methods such as explanation, description, comparison and evaluation, etc. (maximum score 10) 5. Observance of scientific structure; Title, Introduction, Statement of Research Problem or Question Specific Determination of Objective or Objectives, Hypothesis Design, Data Collection, Analysis, Conclusion and Suggestions (maximum score 10) 6. Organization and cohesion; Coordination and logical order, relevance to the main topics and avoidance of exaggeration, slang and marginalization and having a unified and coherent identity (maximum score 10) 7. Observance of the principles of abstract writing (Mehrink) including: 1. Subject: Accurate expression of the main subject and problem of the article 2. Objective: Expression of research objectives 3. Method: Expression of research method 4. Findings: Brief mention of research data 5. Results: Brief mention of research results 6. Keywords: mention of keywords Partially searchable (maximum score 8) 8. Specialized literature and language; Use of words, concepts, terms, rules and other common characteristics in the scientific field (maximum score 8) 9. Resources; Credibility, first hand, actual breadth and freshness of resources used (maximum score 8) 10. How to report; Simple, expressive, clear and understandable expression for the intended audience (maximum score 5) 11. Priority; Priority of the research topic Topics related to the principles and opinions of Professor Javadi Amoli and references to his works have a higher priority (maximum score 5)