role of imagination in moral bio-ethics in Islamic mysticism with emphasis on Ibn Arabi's view

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Islamic Philosophy, Baqir al-Olum University, Qom.

2 Professor of Philosophy, Baqir al-Olum University, Qom.


Bioethics has always been a major concern of theistic religions and thinkers. Reason and illusion have been considered as two necessary elements for the realization of bio-ethics; However, these two will not be effective without the use of the element of imagination. In the thought of Islamic mysticism, imagination has been one of the pillars of the system of existence (separate imagination) and the human institution (connected imagination).

From the point of view of Islamic mysticism, especially Ibn Arabi's thoughts, what is the relationship between the world of imagination and moral truths, and what is the role of imagination in moral biology, is an issue that has been addressed in this research.The result of this research, which is descriptive and analytical method and using library data, shows that the seeker, relying on the abilities of imagination, can be related to the luminous forms in separate imagination and by refining the imagination from evil and sensual thoughts. To observe the moral meanings represented in the world of example, the result of which is to create motivation, passion, desire and continuous will in order to live morally and study monotheistic morality.


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